Navigate seamlessly
through your signals
with the trend viewer

Import DCDAT-files and
apply unit conversions

… or import signals
from spreadsheet
XLSX- or XLS-files

Create block diagrams
for advanced analysis

Build from the
library of available
blocks and subsystems

Use drag-and-drop to
create XY graphs

… and create
3D histograms
in a single click

Use drag-and-drop
to process
multiple signals

Before opening an ASZ-file
preview its contents and
load only desired signals

Define Views to
temporarily change
the appearance of
one or more signals
Signal Analysis is a versatile tool for viewing trends and building block diagrams. It's built around our in-house developed, highly efficient, annotated signal file format (ASZ-file). Originally developed for power plant control/commissioning engineers, it's now a useful tool for anyone working in the field of signal analysis.
>> Key features
- Virtually no limit for number of signals or number of rulers (cursors)
- Easy shifting through time with the mouse
- Digital Signal Processing (DSP) functions:
- Resampling
- Data reduction
- Low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, band-reject, and moving-average filtering
- … or use your self-made block diagrams
- Building block diagrams:
- DSP functions
- Math functions
- IF97 steam tables block
- Laplace domain transfer functions
- Logic gates and switches
- OPC DA real-time communication (optional module)
- Easy signal units conversions
- Print and export graphics dialog
- Filter visible signals on quantity
Import signals from:
- XLS- and XLSX spreadsheets
- Siemens SPPA-T3000 CSV reports
- Messhaus ASC text files and MES binary files
- DCDAT binary files
- MySQL databases
- netCDF (optional module)
Export signals to:
- MATLAB MAT-files
- MS Excel spreadsheet XLS- and XLSX-files
- ASCII comma separated values CSV-files
- netCDF-3 (optional module)
Have a file format you would like to import? Just make a request stating the format specification with at least one example file and we will implement the functionality for free!
Order your Signal Analysis tool today for just €199 including one year service agreement (help desk and software updates) for free!
>> Download
Want to try Signal Analysis for one month, free of charge? A download link will be sent to you directly after you fill-out the form. During the evaluation period you can ask for help and submit feature requests. After this period, you can decide if you would like to buy the software.
We provide installers for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Your information will be kept on record securely, according GDPR and might be used for technical correspondence and sending you offers.
Your data will never be shared or sold to any third party.
When you want to know which data we keep, modify your data, or be removed from our records, please send us an e-mail.
>> Contact Us ← also for software development!
Hummeling Engineering BV, The Netherlands
+316 5758 1679
Chat on WhatsApp